My Christian Art and T-Shirt ministry. All proceeds got to promoting the Gospel in Conroe, TX

Friday, December 12, 2008

Friday Painting

Shut Yo Mouth! Acrylic 5ftx8ft 2008
"My God hath sent his angel, and hath shut the lions' mouths, that they have not hurt me"

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Tough Prayers

Tough prayers are too tough to mention.

Friday, December 5, 2008

Friday Painting

Jesus Went Unto Them

Acrylic 5ft. x 8ft. 2008

But the ship was now in the midst of the sea,with waves: tossed forthe sea was contrary. And in the fourth watch of the night Jesus went unto them, walking on the sea.

Matthew 14:24-25

This was the next installment of the Friday Paintings it took about 5 hours to complete.

Thursday, December 4, 2008


Yesterday, as I was driving to the dentist to receive my crown, I turned off the Radio and began to ponder what the Lord would lead me to talk about today. When this thought started my mind on a journey that has culminated to this point in time as I write. So here it is. I believe that the majority of people in this world who follow the belief that the earth was created by some random big band explosion also believe that life began with a pool water containing amino acids, protein and electricity. And from that muddy mess a single cell (LIFE) began the evolutionary process that resulted in you and me. I would also like to propose the statement that the majority of these same people are pro choice in their views on abortion. The question that I have is this: How can a single cell in a muddy puddle billions of years ago be life but a single cell inside a womb is not?
Today, if you will allow me, I will clear up this debate about when life begins, or rather began. I know that there are a lot of people out to lunch on this debate. Or possibly you believe that a woman has a right to do whatever she deems right when it concerns her own body. Maybe you have been teeter tottering with the issue or maybe it is just above your PAY GRADE. I do understand that I have a bachelor degree in photography and not in life science or anthropology. However, I think that the Lord makes it very clear and shows the human race when life begins or, like I said, began.
Genesis 2:7 And the Lord God formed man of the dust of the ground, and BREATHED INTO HIS NOSTRILS THE BREATH OF LIFE; and MAN BECAME A LIVING SOUL. (emphasis mine)
There is no debate about rather life begins at conception or when there is a heart beat. Life for the human race began the moment that the Creator of the Universe breathed life into Adam. Human life from that moment has not ceased to exist. It has been a continuous chain of life from then until now. So you see, it does not matter if it is the first day or the last day of the nine month period called pregnancy, abortion is ending a life. I know that some of the liberal pro-abortion big bang theorists out there will get around this argument by simply saying, "I don't believe in that Bible mumbo jumbo." Unfortunately for them God doesn't need them to believe in him to exist. He just does. You can believe now or you can believe later but either way you will believe. If you get a chance today kiss a baby or hug a kid and thank the Lord for each and everyone of them.

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Prayer and Root Canals

First and foremost I am still in recovery mode from yesterday's emergency room visit. Smiley seems to be unfazed since he gets to sleep all day. I am trying to get my principal to let me teach a sleeping class next year. So far she doesn't think it is a very good idea. I am praying that she will see the light.

Speaking of praying that brings me to my first thought for today. I saw this yesterday in my quiet time as well as did those of you who use the Our Daily Bread Devotionals. At the bottom of the devo was this quote, "Talking to Christ about others helps us to talk to others about Christ." Also about two weeks ago I was listening to a pastor on the radio, maybe Adrian Rogers or Jack Graham, and I heard this quote. "It is more important to talk to God about your neighbor, than it is to talk to your neighbor about God." Some of you are probably saying, " Well duh!" I do pray for those that are lost. However, I was always so focused on getting into the streets and telling people about Christ that I really didn't spend a lot of time talking to God about them. How much more effective would outreach and evangelism be if we spent more time on our knees praying to a Holy God for those who we are trying to reach. We all know that Jesus lived the verse "pray without ceasing" but we also see numerous times throughout the Gospels where Jesus would retreat to be alone to pray. Sometimes all night long. We are not told what he prayed for but I
would imagine that at some point he prayed for those that he would be ministering to in the days to come. When was the last time you prayed all night for someone? I am including myself in that question . I need to retreat and pray all night for those that I will come in contact with in the coming days. I need to lift up those that are lost to the Lord before I go out to tell them about the Lord.

Point number Two : How a root canal is a picture of Salvation.

Today I am going to get the finishing touches on my second root canal. It all started last year when I was hospitalized for an abscessed tooth that supposedly could have killed me. I had lived with the broken tooth for a year because I was afraid to get it fixed and it wasn't bothering me at that time. Until it became infected and developed into the most excruciating,maddening pain that I have ever experienced in my life.
Sounds like a picture of sin to me. We live with it because it isn't that bad, it doesn't bother us. Until it overwhelms us and reveals it rottenness.
Proverbs 14:12 There is a way which seemeth right unto a man, but the end thereof are the ways of death.
This is the pig slop moment that the prodigal experienced and we have a choice to make. We either come to our senses and return to the Father or we die in or sin.
I also had to make choice and I did. I found myself in dentist chair staring at the nostrils of a grown man who was at that time drilling into my head and holding a conversation with me. How he understood the Charlie Brown teacher voice, that was coming out of my cranked open mouth, I'll never know. The process from that point consists of drilling out the center of the roots from the bad tooth. It is then dead and the inside of the root is then replaced with a new material. A material that is pure and with no infection. This material is permanent also. Sounds like what happens when someone trusts Christ. (Justification) Christ comes in and forgives our sin, he removes the rotten and gives us the pure permanent Holy spirit.
2Cor 5:17 Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new.
The dentist then builds up your tooth to prepare for the crown. (Sanctification) We too are to be built up in Christ daily through prayer, His Word, fellowship, ministry, and edification. Then finally the temporary crown is removed to make way for permanent crown. (Glorification) Eternity With Christ. The only thing left is the payment, today at the dentist I will be paying, because root canals aren't free. However, this is where Salvation differs because it is free. Jesus as already paid the price at the cross of Calvary.

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

ER is not what a pirate says...

As the sun rose December 2nd I officially have had about 2 hours of sleep. My main man Smiley (AKA Gabrian 3.5 Months) and I spent some time together in the local emergency room. This is currently the state of medicine for foster children. If you have a foster child that comes down with something, the flu, fever,or the croup it could take you days to get your child into see their PCP. (When your medicine is free you don't have certain luxuries. Hint Hint.) By that time who knows how bad his or her condition could get so the only option is to endure the ER. Of course you are not considered life threatening so you are going to be there quite a while. Don't get me wrong the nursing staff and doctors were wonderful. It is just that a 3 month old with a croupy cough is way down the line when considered against a cardiac patient. We did finally make it home safe and sound.
Through this whole ordeal it reminded me how much these little ones depend on us. We are their lifelines, food, shelter, clothing, medicine, and love. They depend on us to raise them and teach them the things that they need to be successful in life. We would never abandon our new born babies and let them fend for themselves. We like to hold onto them as long as we can. So the question that I asked myself last night was this: Do we as the Church, as followers of Christ abandon those who are babes in Christ and let them fend for themselves? Do we disciple the way the early church discipled? Have we as the modern church allowed ourselves to fill our churches with spiritual children instead of spiritually mature adults? What would be the average spiritual age of the adults in our churches today? What about the men? Is there any need for meat? 1 Cor. 3:2 The Apostle Paul Wrote the church at Corinth I have fed you with milk, and not with meat: for hitherto ye were not able to bear it, neither yet now are ye able. (emphasis mine)
Speaking from my own experience, when I accepted Christ in the sixth grade, my discipleship consisted of an award Bible with my name in it. That was my discipleship at home and my discipleship as a part of a church body. Does the church have a whole generation whose discipleship training consisted of much of the same? I know that I struggled as a youth minister trying to find the right 12 week program to disciple those new to Christ in our group. Not one program or booklet ever really worked. I believe that we must as a church take these babes in Christ and disciple the way Jesus did. Every invitation that Christ gave to the Disciples had to do with them following Him. Jesus told them to physically get up and come with me and I will give you a twelve week booklet that you can study. No. He told them to physically get up and come with me and I will show you what following me is all about. For three years Jesus worked and taught publicly and privately with these men. He lived discipleship. We must do the same. We need men and women in the church today who are willing to say come with me and I will show you and teach you. We need to get new believers out telling others about their encounter with the Savior. Not two years after they have been saved but two hours, two days. once again here we are again at John 4. What if the women at the well had waited for two months or two years before she told someone about her meeting with the Creator of the universe. In two days she had told the whole town. In John 9, Jesus uses some mud to heal a blind man and almost immediately this man is standing before the Pharisees. This man testified saying, All I know is I once was blind and now I see and Jesus is the one that healed me. He did not wait till it was easy or comfortable. He did not wait until the hype had died down. He stood in front of powerful people and began to teach them about the Savior. We must stop telling new Christians that all they need to do is to read God's Word and start showing them God's Word in the flesh as well. We need to stop commenting on the importance of the Great Commission and get them in the streets fufilling the Great Commission. They will understand because they were just there. Jesus said, "Come and follow me and I will MAKE you fishers of men!!!!!"

Monday, December 1, 2008

Friday Paintings

MY SIN acrylic 2008
This is the first of a series of paintings that I will be doing every Friday. The canvas about 8ft by 5ft. Check back this Friday for the latest image. My students really enjoy watching me paint. This image took about 30 minutes to complete.

My First Blog!

Welcome to the 21st century. This is all pretty new to me but thanks to Joley, I am very excited about being able to record my thoughts and the happenings of our day to day lives. Our family in ministry and through the foster/adoption process. I feel like Doogie Howser.

The Cavalry Mobile Ministry is slowly building back up and we hope and pray to have a wonderful spring. Our prayer is that we can find some local churches that will be willing to partner with us to reach their communities for Christ. I have to be completely honest I do miss the fast paced ministry that we were involved this past year. I also agree with Joley that we need to slow down and even the Lord rested on the 7th day. However, I can not ignore this overwhelming need to preach. I believe that the Lord's return is close. I am not some weirdo that is going to sell everything and sit on hill looking for the clouds to roll back and the trump to sound. I am just burdened to be about the Father's business. I am not sure what that means for me just yet. I have always said that I am not a pastor. However, There is lingering thought that I have in the back of my mind placed there from a conversation with Bro. Michael Heuermann. We were talking about ministry and he said that there are a lot of churches right now that need Godly men to lead them. I am licensed, ordained, called to preach and and I try to live a Godly life that would honor the Lord. So why not? Am I a pastor? If I am, I am not a cookie cutter suit and tie kinda guy. (no offense to you suit and tie guys) Pray for wisdom for me as we approach this next year and what the Lord would have in store for our family.

I Have also been working with New Birth Ministries. New Birth is a Bible based drug rehab program in the heart of Conroe. I have had the opportunity to preach monthly on Sunday mornings. Bro. Charles and Denise have a wonderful calling and an extremely difficult mission ahead of them. Please pray for their continued efforts for the cause of Christ.

The story in John 4 of the Samaritan woman has been on my mind and in my sermons for months. I just see a complete picture of the gospel. One of the nuggets from scripture is in vs. 4 when the Bible said that Jesus must needs go through Samaria. There was a need to go because there was a woman and eventually a whole community that would hear the Gospel and be changed. I was thinking about that moment when Jesus thought, today I must needs go through Samaria not for a woman at the well but for Jerry Vineyard. I see this woman changed after an encounter with the Savior and then tell everyone she meets about who she met and how she was forgiven. Then we see something amazing happen, the whole town comes to see Jesus for themselves because of the witness of this woman. Jesus stayed for two days. I ask myself sometimes, What have I done for the cause of Christ in the last two days?

On the home front Olivia is about the best daughter a father could ask for. Joley and I joke all the time about the fact that we do not know how we raised Olivia with out Olivia's help. She has been AMAZING help taking care of the boys. I was thinking today on the way to work that she is growing so fast and I do not want to miss anything. One of the greatest things that I ever did was quiting coaching. She is so beautiful and I think she might be smarter than Joley. ( HA HA) I am going to be in trouble for that one. Gabe (aka Smiley) and Tripp (aka Bubba) are beautiful growing, eating, pooping little men. We know that Gabe is going to be leaving at some point. February possibly so please pray that God's will would be done as the family placement approaches. Tripp on the other hand could be the one. If we can make it to January 5th's court date without random supposed relatives coming out of the woodwork we think that the judge will open it up for us to become his forever family. Joley and I both continue to experience the roller coaster of emotions as we get closer to his court date. Please pray for us and Tripp.